“How To Retain Choreography”
Join the 1000’s of students from around the world who have transformed from these game-changing lessons.

Invest in tools you can use for the rest of your life.
· All levels, all styles, all ages
· Anyone who wants to improve choreography pickup
· Beginners who are just learning to dance
· Professionals who want to excel on the job in high-pressure environments
· Actors, singers & performers who struggle with choreography
· Anyone wanting a fun way to challenge their body & brain
· Feel confident learning from any choreographer in any environment, in any style
· Fall in love with nailing parts of choreography where you would typically struggle
· Improve cognitive function
· Be unfazed by any other dancer in class: no more comparison
· “Blanking” is no longer a fear
· Go from a passive student to an active student
· Feel confident standing at the front of the room
· Take classes that would have previously intimidated you
· Classes
· Auditions
· Conventions
· Rehearsals
· On the job
· Join now! As we age, it becomes increasingly challenging to remember choreography. Strengthen a muscle that is often overlooked.
“5 Essential Mindsets”
Unlock the power of every tool in the “How to Retain Choreography” Collection by learning Galen's philosophy on how to approach choreography as a whole.
Watch before taking the “How To Retain Choreography” lessons that you purchase below.

These lessons are for you if you relate to any the following:
“I’m stressed when I learn choreography.”
“If I can't see the teacher, I’m lost.”
“I’m distracted by other dancers in the room.”
“I’m nervous if I get called into groups in class or an audition.”
“I’m unaware of what my face is doing because I’m so consumed with what my body is doing.”
“I’m constantly putting myself down for my inability to remember the moves.”
“If I can’t do the routine without messing up, I think it's pointless to do the routine at all.”
5-Lesson Bundle
There are 5 Tools in this “How To Retain Choreography” Collection.
While you may purchase a single tool à la carte below, get the most out of the collection by purchasing all 5 Tools in a bundle here!
For example, one tool can help you highlight parts of choreography you do know, while another can help you tackle parts you don't know.
Life Rafts
Fill in the Blank
Clean as You Go
The more tools you master, the more confident you can be in any environment.
5 key tools in this collection can be purchased at $49.99 each, or get all 5 tools for the price of 4 in this bundle! Includes over 3 hours of instruction.
À la Carte Lessons
Don’t want the bundle? Purchase tools individually here. We recommend taking the lessons in the order they are listed below.
Tool 1: “Life Rafts”
(formerly “Tentpole Moments”)
Learn how to strategically analyze any piece of choreography to find moments that keep you on track when you get lost. Pairs beautifully with the "Fill In the Blanks" tool!
Tool 2: “Fill in the Blank”
Learn to actually look forward to tackling parts of the choreography that would otherwise stop you in your tracks. Pairs perfectly with the "Life Rafts" tool.
Tool 3: “Storytime”
(formerly “Ascribe Meaning Where None Exists”)
What do you do when the moves won't "stick"? Using the "Storytime" tool, the moves will connect like they were meant to be together. Bonus - you’ll perform them better, too!
Tool 4: “Drilling”
You may have been taught to drill choreography before, but Galen's method of drilling provides efficiency & strategy. Perfect for physical learners. Teach your body to take over for your brain.
Tool 5: “Clean as You Go”
Kill two birds with one stone- remember the choreography & execute it cleanly! This tool makes cleaning an engaging part of the learning process instead of an afterthought.
✺ FAQ ✺
Hobbyist dancers, actors, singers, pre-professional dancers, professional dancers, ex-dancers!
People looking for a way to exercise their bodies & brains in a fresh new way.
Anyone who has wanted to take class from Galen but doesn’t live where she teaches!
These lessons can be taken at home in a space large enough for you to fully extend your arms. You can watch on your phone, cast it to your TV, watch on your tablet - as long as you can hear Galen speaking, you’re good to go! What Galen is teaching is so much more about the tools that you can mentally apply than any physical requirement.
The tap classes can even be taken sitting down!
All purchased GHM On-Demand video content has lifetime accessibility!
Galen has worked extremely hard on these videos & we appreciate you respecting the hard work she's done by not publicly posting the lessons.
You are welcome to share clips on social media of your favorite snippets or reactions to what you’ve learned, etc!
GHM On-Demand is only available where wi-fi is accessible.
If your video is having trouble loading, please check your internet connection & troubleshoot from there.
GHM Video On-Demand is inclusive to all ages, levels, & walks of life.
If the instruction is too advanced, the concepts that Galen teaches are just as important as getting the choreography itself!
We recommend having traction for your feet (avoid socks on a slippery floor, for example).
A notebook would be great to have if you’re a notetaker. Notebooks are available for purchase in Galen’s Store.
No other equipment is required.
We sincerely appreciate your interest in our VOD offerings. Please note that, under any circumstances, refunds are not offered for VOD purchases or digital content. This policy is in place due to the immediate & irreversible access users gain upon purchase, making it challenging to reverse transactions.
We encourage you to thoroughly review the available information, sample content, & any provided details before making a purchase decision. If you encounter any technical issues or have concerns about your purchase, our support team is here to assist you in finding a resolution. We appreciate your understanding & commitment to the learning experience provided through our digital content.